Learn more about NaturoSendey
Very young, I understood that we are actors of our lives and responsible for our health. From the age of 14, I made a commitment to myself to take care of my lifestyle on a daily basis to avoid certain diseases. As the principles of naturopathy correspond to my lifestyle, it is therefore quite naturally that I chose to make it my job. With the challenges that life gives us, the formula that I apply to get out of it is "respect your body and follow your heart". Having had the chance to visit many countries and to have lived in Africa, Europe and America, I carry with me a multicultural baggage which is reflected in my know-how. My approach, based on the foundations of Vital Hygiene, is gentle, holistic and multicultural. My commitments to my customers are: listening, availability, responsiveness and satisfaction.
Coming from the richest continent in raw materials, I am happy to make accessible to all those looking for natural solutions, some ancestral remedies commonly used in African alternative medicine(commonly called Traditional Medicine). My mission is to introduce you to what is changing lives there so that you too can (re)find your well-being.
Quality being my main concern, I offer you natural products from artisanal agriculture that favours quality and not quantity.
I am grateful and respectful towards Nature because it brings me a lot. In my everyday life, I do my best to preserve our environment.
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, I opted for ecological means of transport for the delivery and pickup of our products.
As an ambassador for natural health, I owe it to myself to educate and inspire. I encourage you to stay informed through the newsletter and social media!
Sendey Naka
founder, author and naturopath(member of the Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec)