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SOS dry skin

Remedies / Published on 10 / 10 / 2023

Crocodile skin ? Itching ? Tight skin ? Peeling skin ? We know how uncomfortable it can be for you, so today we wanted to talk about the six essential things you can do to fight against your skin's dryness.

#1 Cover yourself sufficiently

Our skin acts as a protective barrier against external aggressions(wind, cold, rain, pollution, etc.) so it's normal for it to become dry, sensitive, irritated in case of overexposure.
In case of extreme cold, prefer mittens over gloves and hats with earmuffs over classic hats

#2 Wash your skin with mild soap

It's very important to choose hygiene products that are designed for dry or dehydrated skin.
Tip : avoid industrial soaps, as the synthetic ingredients and artificial foaming agents that compose them can worsen your dry skin problem.

#3 Moisturize your skin

This is something you should do EVERY DAY, ideally after showering on your slightly moist skin. We recommend opting for ultra-nourishing butters such as shea butter.
Special mention: thanks to shea butter, you will no longer have white knees, white elbows and white heels! 

skin care tipGOOD TO KNOW
Shea butter is versatile: it can be used on the face, body and lips
. To buy raw shea butter, visit
our online store.

#4 Drink enough water

As you know, water is essential for the body to function: from maintaining the temperature to eliminating toxins... Now, what happens when you don't drink enough water is that it causes the skin to become dehydrated because it's the organ that is served last.

#5 Exfoliate your skin

Scrubbing your skin removes dead skin(which clogs pores by the way) and activates cell regeneration.
The recommended frequency is one to two times a week.

#6 Consult a health care professional

Sometimes dry skin is just a sign that there's an underlying problem. Remember to consult as a last resort !

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